Committed to science – your partner for food and drink.
As a professional scientific society, we develop statements and recommendations from nutritional science and implement them in practice. We promote balanced and sustainable diets. Enabling the people in Germany to stay healthy.
- The German Nutrition Society (DGE), established in 1953, has since been engaged in topics on nutrition and nutritional research.
- From the onset, the DGE has been a non-profit organization committed to scientific facts.
- The DGE is an official incorporated society and is not influenced by economic or political interests.
The main functions of the DGE
Nutrition Science
- Supporting research on nutritional science
- Ascertaining topics for nutritional research as well as compiling and evaluating research results on nutrition science and related disciplines
- Announcing research results on nutrition science and related disci plines by publications and events
- Awarding prizes for outstanding nutrition scientists
Nutrition Counselling and Education
- Coordinating scientifically proven and independent nutrition counselling and education
- Quality assurance of nutrition counselling and education
DGE Nutrition Circle
is a graphical model for the visualisation of qantitive dietary guidelines and is intended for healthy adults. Food selection according to the DGE Nutrition Circle is a reliable basis for the implementation of a wholesome diet.
Eat and drink well – recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE)
Eat healthy and colourful food and protect the environment at the same time, as recommended by the DGE. If you primarily eat fruit and vegetables, whole-grain cereals and legumes, as well as
nuts and vegetable oils, you protect not only your health, but also the resources of the Earth.
This also includes preventing food waste. The DGE recommendations "Eat and drink well" show a way to increase the intake of plant-based foods and lower the intake of animal-based foods to protect health and the environment.
You can find the food based dietary guidelines (FBDG) on the FAO website.
Self portrait to download
Events and Educational Courses
The DGE organizes congresses, symposia, workshops and seminars regularly, mainly for nutritional experts and journalists.
There are various educational courses offered for professionals engaged in nutrition counselling and communal catering. The topics range, for example, from expert seminars on nutrition knowledge to seminars about counselling methods.
The budget of the DGE averages at 6.75 million Euro per year. Approximately 25 % is covered by own revenue (e. g. sale of media, fees for educational courses and memberships) and 75 % by public funds.
For further information, please contact:
German Nutrition Society
Godesberger Allee 136
53175 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 3776-600
Fax: +49 (0)228 3776-800
E-mail: webmaster(at)